Archive for May 2015

What if…..

May 19, 2015

What_ifWhat if some of wild and crazy things we have heard in rumors are true? Just imagine what if.

What if Obama was born in Kenya and he’s not a US citizen or was ever eligible for the office of president?
Would anything he has done in office be legal? Could everything be reversed?

What if the rumor about his social security card being issued from a state in which he has never lived is true?
These is really too easy to check. If this is true, it spawns tons of other questions!

What if he really is gay and Michelle is a man in drag?
He could be and she could be. But a gay man who is a Muslim? Automatic death sentence!

What if he really is a Muslim?
This would definitely explain all of the indecisions he has made regarding the war on ISIS and all of the other feckless Middle East policies.

What if the entire government really is just a sham that politicians strive to belong to so they don’t really have to work another day in their lives?
If most politicians wouldn’t continually prove this as a fact, day in, day out, the question would be moot. But when we elect them we believe they are what will change Washington and then they get there…and drink the Kool aide.

What if there is a shadow government that pulls the strings from behind the scenes…and always has.
One of the easiest things to point out is that the Federal Reserve is NOT part of the US government. It’s a private organization that controls our economy. Check it out for yourself.

What if George Soros really has bought the US government?
The man is just nefarious. He’s the shadow of the shadows. Spooky guy. Likes to bring down governments for fun. That’s another one you ought to look up!

What if Jade Helm 15 really is a military action against the citizens of the US?
I am old and I come from a military family. I have never, ever heard of military games of this magnitude and scope being held on American soil. This should worry ALL of us! And if you are in the military, you really should be looking for the truth in what you are being asked to do.

What if those five closed Walmart stores really are being used as military depots?
They say they closed due to “plumbing problems”. Really”? Anyone who knows anything about Walmart knows they are all about the “bottom line”. Why would Walmart completely close five stores for plumbing problems when they could work on those problems at night or in parts? Would they really choose to lose that income? For plumbing problems? Logic says “no”.

What if those round inflatable-topped buildings built by FEMA really are to imprison US citizens?
They say they are disaster shelters whose building was prompted in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Now go look at where these shelters have been built. There are no hurricanes in Kansas.

What if we, the American public, have been lied to since the beginning about almost everything?

Kids Should Be Seen And Not Heard

May 17, 2015

I had several unsettling experiences this weekend.

When at Wal-Mart shopping for the week, there were kids ranging in age from about 8 to 5 chasing each other through the vegetable area. Running, screaming and almost running into several older customers. It was very unnerving. There were many people within the area who could have been the parents of these kids, but none of the ones I observed seemed the least bit concerned by the running or screaming. That was amazing.

Later that evening my daughter and I went to a wonderful neighborhood Thai restaurant. There was a party of 10 or 12 adults (looked like a party for co-workers) and a couple of the sets of parents had brought their children, ages to be 3 or 4.

This restaurant is one of those “BYOB” and the parents were drinking quite a bit and not paying any attention to their kids who were jumping off chairs lines against the wall with their little hands clutching toys, silverware, and writing pens. I could see how the next stop for one of the sets of parent could be the closest emergency room.

No one, not even the management said anything to the parents about how their children’s running and screaming was annoying other patrons. The table of older ladies behind us just kept watching and shaking their heads in disbelief that the parents were so oblivious to anything other than their drinks and co-workers.

We ended up inhaling our dinner and rushing out the door, just to get away from the screaming and jumping.

As we walked to the car, not more than 30 feet from the front door of the restaurant, we witnessed a boy about 12 or 13 cutting the bark off a tree with a sharp rock. We just stared at him in disbelief until we got to the car almost in front of him and then I honked the horn and got his attention. I shook my head “No” and wagged my finger at him but he just turned around and continued to destroy the tree trunk.

My daughter honked again, rolled the window down and yelled “Stop that! You’re killing the tree”. He finally stopped and went over to where his parents were sitting on the patio. We drove away.

In hind-sight, we should have gone and gotten his parents and shown them what he had done, but we didn’t.

We talked about our disbelief of all the misbehaving children we had observed in such a short period of time and came to a decision.

From now on, when we see kids running and screaming in a store, we will step in front of them and tell them to stop. If we are at a restaurant and observe kids spoiling our experience, we will contact the management and ask that he get it reigned in and if we ever see another kid defacing private property, if their parents are around, we will involve them!

Any if any of them have anything to say to us we are going to inform them….”You wanted a village to help raise your kids….well, I’m the village and you definitely need help!


May 15, 2015

JebbushI can’t believe this is a headline.

We all have to make decisions in our lives. Maybe not of the magnitude a President does, but still, a decision.

Some decisions are good, some not so good. But we all make a decision in a point of time when that decision has to be made.

That’s what President George W. Bush did with the Iraq war. He made the decision to go to war against that country based on the information and intelligence he had at that time.

Fast forward thirteen years. Now GW’s brother, Jeb, is dancing around maybe running for President of the United States, and one of the first questions Jeb is asked is “Knowing what we know today, would you make the same decision as your brother did, regarding entering a war with Iraq.” His answer….“No, I wouldn’t have gone to war…knowing what we know now.”

Well, If I were a betting person, I would bet a bunch of bucks that none of us would make the decisions we made, knowing what we know now. That is exactly where the saying “Hind-sight is 20/20” comes from!

We all have much more info well after the decision we have, we probably wouldn’t make the same decision.

But the media playing up the fact than Jeb would not have made the same decision today totally based on “what we know now”, is totally ridiculous and sloppy journalism.

You can’t present the question of the “same situation” and then change “what is known” and expect someone other than the original person to cling to the same results years later.


May 6, 2015

PacquiaoSo, Pacquiao and his management knew he was injured when he entered the ring. And just a day or two after this allegedly historic fight, the headlines of fraud are everywhere.

Did they think no one would find out? As long as no one found out prior to the bout, did they care?

The greed and deceit is astounding!

Well, his career is over!

Hearing But Not Listening

May 1, 2015

You need Jesus. Jesus is your answer. Pray to accept Jesus in your heart. 

How many times have you heard all or any or those? You may have heard them so many times that by now you don’t even bother to listen.

Well, you think you don’t listen, but you are.

I’ve said all of those phrases. Over and over to many people. And most people withdraw. Physically they withdraw. Spiritually they are hearing. Maybe not listening, but hearing.

And now days the message of Jesus seems very urgent, doesn’t it? Ever wonder why?

Again, I think the “hearing” world has heard the message so many times and in so many ways, especially in the United States, that most ears may not even be hearing any more much less listening.

But there is an urgency here in the year 2015. There is a timeline that we are on and just as there was a beginning, Genesis 1:1, there is an end. And it’s very close.

He really is coming back very soon and the lame joke of just “looking busy” won’t cut it with Him. There will be no excuses or explanations.

Are you ready to meet Him? Not everyone will be dead when He returns. There will be a face-to-face for each of us, alive or dead. And I can assure you, it’s a lot closer than any of us think.

If you have questions about all of this, ask someone. Seek out someone you trust and ask them. Ask me. Call 1-800-NeedHim. There are answers and He wants you to have them. He really does love you and He certainly doesn’t want you to miss out on all the great stuff He has for us in eternity, just because you were afraid to ask.